Changes: Collaboration and Willpower for Civic Life
Introducing our online community where an engaged citizenry is more than a recurring theme. It’s our shared project.
The people who make self-government work, by recruiting and supporting an engaged citizenry often do that work feeling exhausted, unappreciated and alone. We are shifting gears at Politicolor so we can provide a mission-focused community and collaborative learning experiences to connect these individuals with one another, creating a shared focus on what we know about what works and why it matters.
This collaborative effort of the civic-minded will leverage a mission-focused community to…
- Keep you fired up to do the work you do with regular boosts for your own political willpower
- Test your ideas and deepen your understanding of American political thought and constitutionalism
- Think through and share ideas with the professional peers beyond the cubicle or classroom next door
We’re just getting started with a small group of beta-users this summer. While there’s a newsfeed that looks like all the other newsfeeds, the quality of the content shared and the conversations initiated represent a real opportunity to level-up when it comes to our work as civic practitioners.
What does that mean for this space?
Expect it to change! We will be redesigning it and it might get a little glitchy while we do. We are still committed to sharing what we have learned through individual work in local communities and through our collective inquiries. You will find all our latest articles in our Politicolor publication on Medium. You can request an invite to the collaborative community space and join the less formal conversation there.
We are also publishing a newsletter every other week to help you follow our work across the web. Use the form on the right to send us your email so we can keep you posted.