What Makes Reading a Civic Duty?
Books have lost their audience. The trend is a downward slope no one expects to turn around. Every year, fewer and fewer people report having finished a book. Our lists of leisure time pursuits often do not include “reading a book.”

How Democracies Die: A Must-Read for Preventative Care
This book is no post-mortem. Reading it shifts the focus from breaking news to protecting norms.
Repeat the Question: Is Disinformation a Required Part of Living in a Democracy?
Repeat the Question: Is Disinformation a Required Part of Living in a Democracy? A Proposal for a Democratic OffenseAgainst Disinformation There’s a bad idea masquerading as a...

Our First Color Salon: Recalling a Human Capacity for Goodness
Our First Color Salon: Recalling a Human Capacity to Do Good One evening of good conversation provided the remedy for cynical ideas...

January 6th: There's No Writing it Off as "Un-American"
January 6th: There’s No Writing it Off as Un-American We’re all asking “What happens next?” That’s the wrong question....